What is person centred therapy?

Clearing up your questions about person-centred therapy





I'm always here to help.

Feel free to schedule a consultation with a person-centred therapist in Norfolk – We will discuss what you're struggling with, my specialities and decide if we would be a good fit for one another.






Is everything I say in the sessions confidential?

Yes – All my clients are covered by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002, meaning that everything covered in our sessions is fully confidential. I have also gone the extra mile by joining the Information Commissioner’s Office, mandating the safe and responsible storage of my clients’ personal information.

Where is your practice located?

In-person sessions will be carried out from my home therapy room in Dereham, Norfolk.

Do I need to have a specific goal in mind before I choose therapy or counselling?

Not necessarily – While a specific goal can sometimes provide direction and focus for your therapy journey, it’s absolutely okay to enter counselling without one and allow yourself to organically learn more about yourself.

How can person-centred therapy help with anxiety?

Through active listening and open-ended questions, I will guide you in examining your thoughts, feelings and the bodily sensations associated with anxiety. This increased self-awareness and supportive environment allows you to delve deeper into the roots of your anxiety, understand its triggers and patterns and address them so you don’t just ‘cope’ with anxiety, but move on from it.

What role does empathy play in person-centred therapy?

Think of empathy like a protective cloak that allows you to express your deepest vulnerabilities, fears and anxieties without fear of judgement. Knowing that you’re in a safe and supportive space encourages you to delve into even the most challenging emotions and experiences, and gain valuable insights about yourself.

Can person-centred therapy be used to manage depression?

Absolutely – Depression often thrives in isolation and self-judgement. Person-centred therapy offers a safe haven that fosters acceptance and self-awareness, which with a little guidance from your therapist can help you recognise negative patterns, develop healthier coping mechanisms and walk away from each session empowered.

My GP recommends cognitive behavioural therapy, can person-centred therapy work alongside it?

It sure can – In fact, it works well with most other forms of therapy and counselling. Combining person-centred therapy with Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, for example, strengthens your self-awareness and coping skills, while combing it with Acceptance and Commitment Therapy can help you to navigate difficult emotions. This creates a comprehensive strategy, tailored to your particular circumstances.

How long will it take to see progress in managing anxiety and depression?

There’s no single answer for this, as each person and their path are unique. However, person-centred therapy is about depending your understanding of yourself, leading to smaller changes that add up to large steps over time. Even as these changes take root, you will notice early signs of progress such as increased self-awareness, a feeling of urgency in managing your emotions and a newfound feeling of hope.

What is person-centred therapy?

The person-centred approach to therapy and counselling is a humanistic method that emphasises the importance of individual experience, the client-therapy relationship and views the client as the expert in their own life. This is done by providing a safe and non-judgemental space where clients can explore their innermost feelings and fears.

Who is person-centred therapy suitable for?

Person-centred therapy is ideal for anybody seeking self-exploration, understanding and personal growth. This can include:

  • People struggling with emotional difficulties including anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Those navigating major life changes such as career shifts or relationship changes
  • People looking for supportive and non-judgemental spaces where they learn more about themselves
  • Those looking to answer deeper or existential questions about themselves