Online Counselling for Stress




You don't need to juggle your responsibilities alone

Stress can seem inescapable in our fast-paced world.

Person-centred therapy provides a holistic solution to this ever-constant issue. Far more than a simple toolkit of tactics and coping mechanisms, person-centred therapy helps develop resilience and an in-depth understanding about how you can manage and alleviate stress. This is done by creating a positive, empathetic and non-judgemental space, with your therapist acting as a guide as you unravel the root causes of your stress.

As an online therapist in Norfolk, my role is to offer support and assistance.



My in-person and online counselling for stress works by:

  • Unmasking stress through open-ended conversation with your therapist to find the root of the issue, whether it happens to be work, relationships or something more hidden
  • Building inner strength by cultivating self-compassion
  • Building coping mechanisms as you learn to listen to your body, identify triggers and develop healthy ways to manage stress
  • Helping you to reclaim agency over your emotions, values and life





Give your mind and body a break with person-centred therapy.

You can book a free consultation using my booking page.

Please drop me a massage using my contact form or email me directly at if you have any questions.


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