Online Bullying Counselling




Helping you to overcome the emotional impact of bullying

Bullying, whether inside or outside the workplace, is confusing, painful and leaves you feeling powerless.

While there is no one-size-fits-all solution to bullying, person-centred therapy can support and empower through towards healing and growth. You are put at the centre of the process to control the direction and pace, with your therapist helping to build a safe space where you can explore your fears and experiences.

As a therapist in Norfolk, I'm here to help you rediscover your strength and resilience



My in-person and online bullying counselling can help you on this journey by:

  • Building self-esteem through open dialogue, helping you to gain a deeper understanding of your true strength and resilience
  • Organically discovering and practicing healthy coping mechanisms to manage difficult emotions and cope with challenging situations
  • Helping you to find your inner voice and develop the tools to navigate difficult situations with confidence
  • Providing you with a safe space to explore the hurt, anger or fear you might be experiencing without fear of criticism





Let's work together to rebuild your strength.

Schedule a free consultation to get started.

If you have any questions or concerns, please drop me a massage using my contact form or email me at


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